Friday, December 10, 2010

My friend Jeannie

It has been a year since Troy and I have been married. I was going through pictures the other day, the ones that my friend Jeannie took. Two words about Jeannie- she is artistic and a lot eccentric. We have been friends for 10 years. She knows my "crazy" and I know hers.
She came to our wedding, which was awesome because she never goes anywhere out of her comfort zone. She took these pictures. She was so excited to give me the one of the two horses. She said it was a sign that we would be together forever. I didn't have the heart to tell her that they were two male horses. She was raised in NJ, she doesn't know farm animals like people from the country do or Springville for that matter. She is responsible for the two painting in my house that cause people to stare and just not "get it". These are her pictures. Black & white pictures are her medium for the most part. She has a great eye for catching the moments.

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